
Contact Us

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  • Write to us at:
    PO Pox 95553
    2509 CN The Hague
    The Netherlands
  • Call us on +31.70.328.2589,
  • Fax us on +31.70.328.2509,
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Member of the Chamber of Commerce, The Hague: 27326238
VAT Number: NL8198.96.573.B01
Registered Company Address: De Carpentierstraat 81, 2595 HE, The Hague, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (70) 328 2589
Fax: +31 (70) 328 2509

Need more proof about Electrical Pollution before you purchase your STETZERiZER Filters?


  • Insightful new article on “Dirty Electricity” from Family Matters magazine.
  • a free chapter from the book SILENT FIELDS by author and Australian community activist Donna Fisher.

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Test Your Environment!

Buy your own Microsurge Meter and aware yourself of the extremely low frequency (ELF) fields present in your environment.

The STETZERiZER Microsurge Meter

Picture of a STETZERiZER filter

Electro-magnetic hypersensitivity symptoms

It must be made clear that Filters do not profess to be a panacea for people who are affected or suffer from any of the health issues.

However, the research indicates that there has been substantial improvement in the quality of life of those people who are sensitive to excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation energy.

Symptoms of (radiation) radio wave sickness first documented among radar workers during the Second World War resemble those now associated with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and include:

  • Neurological
    headaches, nausea, lack of concentration, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, muscle and joint pain, muscle spasms
  • Cardiac
    palpitations, arrhythmia, low or high blood pressure, shortness of breath
  • Respiratory
    sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma
  • Dermatological
    skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing
  • Ophthalmological
    pain or burning in eyes, pressure in or behind eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts
  • Others
    digestive problems, dehydration, immune abnormalities, pain in teeth

European Sales & Support
Tel: +31.70.328.2589

U.S. Sales & Support
Tel: +1 (608) 989 2571

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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Since we installed the filters I've noticed my sleep is deeper and I dream much more, the nagging pain in my shoulder has disappeared and my wife's knee pain has improved significantly.”
Christopher, London, ON.

“We have 2 Autistic children ages 5 and 3. On January 14 2008 we put Stetzerizer filters in our home. Well, we noticed the kids are calmer and happier. Our 5 year old that wakes up every night, now sleeps through the night. She also falls asleep in about 15 minutes, before the filters it would take her a hour or so fall asleep. Our 3 year old has been also using more words and having less tantrums.
“My husband and I would recommend the filters to anyone that cares about their health. I also have been sleeping better, before the filters, I was waking up at 3 am and then getting about 3/4 of a hour sleep for the rest of the night. The pain in my hands and arms is also getting better. We just started using the filters, right away we noticed a difference in our kids.”
Shannon, Salt Spring Island, BC

“The volume of the 'bee hive' (sound) increased, but strangely disappeared when I went for a week away from home! When we received the test kit, we realized that the house's wiring was very 'dirty.' After installing the filters the buzzing in my ears is very slight now.”
Mary, Calgary, AB.

clear fix

Content Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010 GS Filters BV. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 03-Dec-2010 10:27:00 GMT
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